You're walking through the city. The pitch black skies are broken only by the occasional half-lit neon sign, random passing cars, and the glimmer of skyscrapers illuminating the horizon in the distance. The streets are still wet from the rain that continues to fall in a drizzle. You take a wrong step, trip and fall into a recently created puddle. Your clothes are soaked and the chill overtakes you as you start to shiver. The noise of you falling attracted the attention of a few nearby thugs, who promptly walk over and hold you up. You give them your wallet, car keys, credit cards, wristwatch, and shoes. They leave. You're now walking through the wet streets, barefoot, shivering, and soaking wet, with no money, identification, or means of transportation. Gradually you realize that the city, though tantalizing with its faraway glimmering lights and comforting network of communities, is actually a dangerous, lawless, and unforgiving place.
But damn does it sound beautiful.
Ghost hardware
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