HP Lovecraft. Wiichcraft. Occult crap. Drugs. That about covers the lyrical content.Sonically,
they earn their genre label, "Drone Doom." Taking that dark, slow sound of drone groups like Sunn 0))) and the doom metal of Master of Reality-era Black Sabbath. Crackling amplifiers and booming base with a heavy groove is the M.O. here. They are loud.
It's not quite as engrossing as Dopethrone or Come my Fanatics...but's a good album if you're in to the genre, or are looking for something dark and heavy to try out.
Edited on (08/30/2010).
Who doesn't love H.P. Lovecraft?
This isn't even remotely drone. Sunn are overrated, if you want good drone doom try Khanate, Moss or Nadja.
ReplyDeleteI'll take that in to consideration.
ReplyDeleteI also added a new tag to Sunn O))) for you. :)