"But I don't want any more Heavy Metal!" SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH! You're going to listen to it and like it.
This album is pretty awesome. The lyrics tell a classic sci-fi/fantasy inspired tale (which the cover reflects) about an archer on another world. Or something. It's less grounded story than 2001: A Space Odyssey, but not as "out there" as something like The Integral Trees.
In terms of sound the riffing is thick and stoner-metally (new adjective?), and the drumming and bass work are an excellent fit. Having never listened to the band before this album, it was a bit of a shock. Expectations being completely surpassed can do that.The only semi-negative thing I can mention is that the vocals put me off for about ten seconds. This random twitter update can give you an idea of the sound.
To be fair, the initial "This album is fucking awesome" feeling may still have a hold on me. But after three complete plays, there isn't a track that needs to be skipped. Seems to be the same story for Age of Winters, but that is a story for another post.
Everything from Texas is just a little bit better than everything else.